Full Moon Reflection
Chances are you've heard the sentiment
that within every challenge lies an opportunity.
But what's the opportunity?
Yes, challenges offer us a chance to strengthen our resilience and discover our inner resources. Yes, challenges test our metal and reveal the core of our character.
But an even subtler dimension of the human experience is also present that can go overlooked.
At the peak of a challenge, when the heat is turned up, a portal within us opens that acts like a release valve for feelings stored in the deeper reaches of our psyche.
While at the moment, we may think we are reacting to the challenge, what may actually be arising is an emotion or core feeling that has been embedded within us for a long time.
A reaction isn't just a reaction; it is an opening that allows what is held in the psyche to rise to the surface and express itself.
The opportunity alive in a challenge, especially ones that foster a strong reaction, is that it affords us a unique and direct meeting point between our current and past selves.
The more visceral our reaction, the more potential there is for transformation. This intersection is where the gold is.
While we might naturally want to turn away, the moment of our reactivity is an opportunity for us to apply a conscious and loving response to the places deep within us that clearly could use some nurturing.
On this full moon, consider this unique opportunity the next time you get reactive. If possible, momentarily drop out of the context of what you're upset about and land in the awareness that a deeply-seeded aspect of you is surfacing and calling for your attention.
Once face to face with this part of you, start a new conversation.
Endow your interaction with patience, understanding, kindness, and love, and see what shifts.
This intersection is where the gold is.
And that gold is what paves the pathless path of self-love.
With love,