ERIN ROSE WARD | Facilitator

Erin Rose Ward is a guide on the path to wholeness and remembering. She is passionate about the human body and its capacity to escort us into a deep relationship with the sacred.

Her work - whether it be as a yoga teacher, The 360 Emergence facilitator, The Class teacher, or INSIGHT facilitator - is a translation of wisdom traditions applied to our modern context. She has been called a teacher's teacher for her refined facilitation, her accessibility to all levels of students, and the magnetism of her heart. Though she has been teaching for well over a decade she remains a devoted student.

Erin Rose holds reverence and gratitude for all her teachers and would like to name Kevin Courtney, Tracee Stanley, Kate Shela, Rod Stryker, Abbie Galvin, Jack Kornfield, and Tara Brach. 

Erin’s approach to INSIGHT is based on my decade plus of study of yoga combined with the above movement philosophies regarding what it means to be a human being. She draws other influences from depth psychology, somatic experiencing, eastern wisdom traditions, plant medicine, and animism. As a teacher, Erin holds a deep reverence for the body and how we can awaken its intelligence to guide us into a knowing of who and what we are.

When you work with Erin through INSIGHT you can expect a compassionate, heart-centered and attuned space that will utilize all the tools in the toolkit for a precise and personalized growth experience. We will combine traditional dyadic dialoguing with embodiment practice, meditation, and contemplation. 

“I have a passion for supporting us human beings in connecting to the heart, remembering the truth of our innate belonging, and letting our wise embodied knowing be the guiding light for how we live our lives”

- Erin Rose Ward

Courageous Compassion | Practice With Erin

Facilitated by: Erin Rose Ward

Duration: 25 minutes

When life feels overwhelming and we feel the impulse to do something about it, turn towards your mat and come into relationship with the body and the breath. This somatic practice starts with gentle movement and ends with breathwork and is perfect for anytime of day. 

Deepen Your Practice

Before you begin this practice, take a moment to notice how you feel. On a scale of 1-10, (one being the worst ever and 10 being the best ever) where does your inner reality land? WIthout judgment, notice. At the end of this practice, notice if it has at all shifted. 

Practice Overview

Recommended Preparation

  • Set up a comfortable, sustainable seat

  • Meditation cushion, blocks, blankets, zabuton

  • A back rest (wall or chair), if needed to support the spine

  • Have a pen and journal handy for any thoughts or inspiration that may arise

Following Your Practice:

  • Close in a mindful way to create a healthy transition for your day ahead.

  • If you would like to work with Erin please click the button below or email questions to :