Setting Sacred Space

Duration: 6 minutes

Facilitated by: Julianne Aerhee

Practice Overview

This lesson is to provide guidance and suggestions for setting up your ideal space for practice.

Julianne refers to this process as a form of Saucha. Saucha is one of the Niyamas in yoga and refers to cleanliness.

Practicing Saucha in your space helps to differentiate this sacred spot in your home from the rest of your life. Taking care to clear it of distractions and setting it up in a way that speaks to your spirit, also acts as a reflection and reminder that: now, is the time for practice.

We hope this short lesson helps to inspire you!

Recommended Preparation

  • Gather items that you need for practice: Mat, cushion, blanket, etc.

  • Gather items that are sacred to you: Pictures, crystals, affirmations, holy statues, a mala - anything you would like to add to your altar

  • Select the cleansing technique you prefer - incense, palo santo, sage or place a selenite crystal near by if you are sensitive to sacred smoke

“A space is made sacred by the intention, love, and devotion that’s poured into it. The act of setting the space is like an invitation; it’s a call to the sacred to come in.”

-Kevin Courtney
Founder and Facilitator | INSIGHT