Full Moon Reflection

We hear time and again that our essential nature is one of calm and tranquility.

But tell that to anyone shackled by anger, frustration, grief, or any confronting feeling, and that sentiment will feel far-fetched.

While our essence may be a tranquil field of calm, that sense gets easily obstructed when we are overwhelmed by feelings, or thoughts about those feelings.

But just because we can't sense it doesn't mean it's not there.

Like a river in the winter, the surface may harden and freeze but go deep enough, and you hit running water.

Similarly, our hearts can easily clamp down, harden under duress, and freeze over time. But deep down, tranquility still flows.


Meditation's value is partly rooted in repeatedly bringing our attention beyond feelings and thoughts and onto our awareness.

This is not to deny they exist but to make an object out of them and, in time, disidentify from them healthily.

As our relationship with awareness builds, feelings and thoughts have less sway in altering our perspective and behavior.

We shift from being embroiled in our identification with them, and we start identifying more with our field of awareness.

And what is one of the characteristics of the felt sense of awareness?

By all accounts, it's an undeniable sense of tranquility.

And what happens to the heart in the presence of the felt sense of tranquility?

It opens.


The invitation on this full moon is to reflect on this inner field of tranquility.

How do you connect to, access, or invoke it? What is tranquility as an experience vs. an idea?

Like a song on the radio, you can attune your dial and listen for it.

You might be surprised at how accessible it can be.


If this feels far-fetched, try tuning into yesterday's Wednesday Club full moon meditation.

See what a few minutes of breath, awareness, and simple intentions can do to draw this innate quality to the surface.

Please share any insights that arise; your accounts always inspire.

With love,


New Moon Intention


New Moon Intention